Unlocking the Power of What is Header Tags: A Guide to Improving Readability and SEO

what is header tag

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If you’re new to website development, you may have heard the term “header tags” thrown around but aren’t quite sure what they are or how they work. Header tags, also known as H1, H2, H3, and so on, are HTML elements used to structure content on a web page. 

They are essential for search engine optimization (SEO) as they help search engines understand the hierarchy of the content on a web page.

In this post, we’ll dive into the world of header tags and answer the question “what is header tags?” We’ll explore the different types of header tags, how they are used, and why they are important for both users and search engines. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding how header tags work can improve the readability and accessibility of your website, making it easier for users to navigate and for search engines to crawl and index your content. So, let’s get started!


What are Header Tags

Header tags are HTML elements used to structure the content of a web page into headings and subheadings. They play an important role in providing a clear and organized structure to the content of a web page, making it easier for users to read and navigate.

In addition, header tags are important for SEO, as search engines use them to identify the main topics and subtopics of a page.

When using header tags, it’s important to follow the correct hierarchy and use them sparingly and appropriately. Overusing header tags or using them inappropriately can negatively impact the SEO of a web page.

It’s also important to use header tags to accurately reflect the content of the page and to provide context and meaning to the content.

Understanding what header tags are and how they work is essential for any web developer or SEO professional. 

By following best practices for using header tags in HTML, developers can create more accessible and optimized web pages that provide a better user experience and improve their visibility in search engine results.


Importance of Header tags

Header tags are an essential component of web page design and play a crucial role in both user experience and search engine optimization. Here are some of the reasons why header tags are important:

1. Structure and Organization: 

Header tags provide a clear structure and organization to the content of a web page, making it easier for users to read and navigate. This helps to improve the overall user experience and engagement.

2. Accessibility: 

Proper use of header tags can improve the accessibility of a web page for users who rely on assistive technologies like screen readers. These technologies can use header tags to better understand the content hierarchy and navigate the page.

3. SEO: 

Header tags are an important factor in search engine optimization. They help search engines to understand the content hierarchy of a web page and to identify the main topics and subtopics covered on the page. This can help to improve the visibility of the page in search engine results.

4. Keyword Optimization: 

Proper use of header tags can also help with keyword optimization. By using relevant keywords in header tags, web developers can signal to search engines the main topics and subtopics covered on the page, which can improve its relevance for specific search queries.

5. Readability: 

Header tags make it easier for users to scan and read the content of a web page. By providing a clear and organized structure, header tags can improve the overall readability of the page and help users to find the information they are looking for more quickly.

Header tags are a vital element of web page design that provide numerous benefits for both users and search engines.

Proper use of header tags can improve the accessibility, organization, readability, and visibility of a web page, making it a key component of any successful website.


Uses of different Header Tags

Header tags are available in different levels, ranging from H1 to H6, each with its unique use case. Here are the different uses of header tags:

1. H1: 

This tag is used for the main heading of a page and should be used only once per page. It should accurately reflect the main topic of the page and include relevant keywords.

2. H2: 

This tag is used for subheadings and should be used to break up the content into sections. It should reflect the main subtopics of the page and include relevant keywords.

3. H3 to H6: 

These tags are used for sub-subheadings and further subdivisions of content. They should be used sparingly and only when necessary to further organize the content of the page.

4. Styling: 

Header tags can also be used for styling purposes, allowing web developers to customize the appearance of headings on their pages. This can include changes to font size, color, and weight, among others.

5. Navigation: 

Header tags can also be used to create a table of contents or navigation links within a page. By using anchor links and linking to different header tags, users can quickly navigate to different sections of the page.

Proper use of header tags can significantly improve the organization, accessibility, and readability of a web page. 

By using the appropriate header tags in the correct order, web developers can create a well-structured and easy-to-navigate page that is both user-friendly and optimized for search engines.


Difference between Header tags and Title

While both header tags and the title tag are important elements of HTML, they serve different purposes. The title tag is used to provide a title for the web page, which is displayed in the browser’s title bar and is also used by search engines to determine the topic of the page.

On the other hand, header tags are used to structure the content of the page into headings and subheadings.

The title tag is typically included in the head section of the HTML document, while header tags are used within the body section to structure the content. While the title tag is typically used once per page, header tags can be used multiple times to structure the content into sections and subsections.

Overall, while both the title tag and header tags are important for web page design, they serve different purposes and should be used appropriately to improve the organization, accessibility, and search engine optimization of a web page.


Impact of Header tags on SEO

Header tags play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and can have a significant impact on a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. Here are some of the ways in which header tags can impact SEO:

1. Content Organization: 

Proper use of header tags helps search engines to understand the content hierarchy of a web page and to identify the main topics and subtopics covered on the page. This can improve the relevance of the page for specific search queries, and help it to rank higher in search engine results.

2. Keyword Optimization: 

By using relevant keywords in header tags, web developers can signal to search engines the main topics and subtopics covered on the page, which can improve its relevance for specific search queries.

3. User Experience: 

Header tags provide a clear and organized structure to the content of a web page, making it easier for users to read and navigate. This can help to improve user engagement and reduce bounce rates, which are important factors in search engine ranking algorithms.

4. Accessibility: 

Proper use of header tags can also improve the accessibility of a web page for users who rely on assistive technologies like screen readers. These technologies can use header tags to better understand the content hierarchy and navigate the page, improving the overall user experience and engagement.

Header tags are an important factor in SEO, and web developers should use them appropriately to improve the organization, relevance, and user experience of a web page, and ultimately increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results.


How to write a perfect Header tag

Writing effective header tags is crucial for improving the organization, relevance, and accessibility of a web page. Here are some tips on how to write a perfect header tag:

1. Use Relevant Keywords: 

Header tags should include relevant keywords that accurately reflect the main topic of the page and help search engines to understand the content hierarchy.

2. Be Concise and Descriptive: 

Header tags should be concise and descriptive, accurately reflecting the main topic or subtopic covered in the section of content they are marking up.

3. Use Proper Hierarchy: 

Header tags should be used in the proper hierarchical order (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to accurately reflect the content hierarchy of the page.

4. Avoid Overuse: 

Header tags should be used sparingly and only when necessary to structure the content into headings and subheadings. Overusing header tags can lead to confusion and poor organization.

5. Be Consistent: 

Header tags should be used consistently throughout the page, with the same style, size, and formatting applied to each header tag at each level.

6. Test for Accessibility: 

Header tags should be tested for accessibility using assistive technologies like screen readers, to ensure that they are correctly interpreted and navigable by users with disabilities.

Writing effective header tags requires a balance between keyword optimization, content organization, and accessibility.

By following these tips, web developers can create perfect header tags that improve the relevance, accessibility, and user experience of their web pages.


Best Practices of Writing a Header tag

Writing effective header tags is a critical part of web page design, and following best practices can help to improve the organization, relevance, and accessibility of a web page. Here are some best practices for writing header tags:

1. Use Only One H1 Tag: 

The H1 tag should be used only once per page and should accurately reflect the main topic of the page.

2. Use H2-H6 Tags for Subheadings: 

Use H2-H6 tags to structure the content into subheadings, with H2 being the next most important after the H1 tag.

3. Use Keywords Appropriately: 

Use relevant keywords in header tags to signal to search engines the main topics and subtopics covered on the page, but avoid overstuffing with keywords.

4. Be Descriptive: 

Use descriptive text in header tags that accurately reflects the content covered in the section of the page it is marking up.

5. Keep it Concise: 

Header tags should be concise and to the point, without unnecessary verbiage or fluff.

6. Be Consistent: 

Use consistent formatting for header tags throughout the page, with the same style, size, and formatting applied to each header tag at each level.

7. Test for Accessibility: 

Header tags should be tested for accessibility using assistive technologies like screen readers, to ensure that they are correctly interpreted and navigable by users with disabilities.

By following these best practices, web developers can create effective header tags that improve the organization, relevance, and accessibility of their web pages, and ultimately improve the user experience and search engine ranking of their website.


Common mistakes people do while writing a Header tag

While header tags are an essential element of web page design, there are several common mistakes that people make when writing them. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Overusing Header Tags: 

One of the most common mistakes is to overuse header tags, which can lead to confusion and poor organization. Each header tag should accurately reflect the content hierarchy and be used sparingly.

2. Using the Wrong Hierarchy: 

Using header tags in the wrong hierarchical order can also lead to confusion and poor organization. H1 should be used for the main heading, followed by H2 for subheadings, and so on.

3. Not Using Relevant Keywords: 

Not using relevant keywords in header tags can make it difficult for search engines to understand the content hierarchy and negatively impact the page’s ranking.

4. Making Header Tags Too Long: 

Header tags should be concise and to the point, without unnecessary words or phrases that add little value to the content.

5. Not Being Descriptive Enough: 

Header tags should accurately describe the content they are marking up, so users can quickly and easily understand the main topic or subtopic.

6. Inconsistency in Formatting: 

Inconsistently formatting header tags, such as using different styles, sizes, or colors, can make the page appear disorganized and unprofessional.

7. Not Testing for Accessibility: 

Failing to test header tags for accessibility can make it difficult for users with disabilities to navigate the page.

By avoiding these common mistakes, web developers can create effective header tags that improve the organization, relevance, and accessibility of their web pages and ultimately improve the user experience and search engine ranking of their websites.


Benefits of Header tags

Header tags are an essential element of web page design that offers numerous benefits, including:

1. Improved User Experience: 

Header tags help to organize and structure the content of a web page, making it easier for users to navigate and understand.

2. Better Readability: 

Header tags break up large blocks of text into smaller, more manageable sections, making it easier to read and scan.

3. Improved SEO: 

Header tags help search engines to understand the structure and hierarchy of a web page’s content, which can positively impact its ranking.

4. Increased Accessibility: 

Header tags provide clear and organized headings that assistive technologies like screen readers can use to help users with disabilities navigate the content.

5. Better User Engagement: 

Well-written header tags can pique users’ interest and encourage them to engage with the content, leading to better user engagement and interaction.

6. Improved Branding: 

Header tags provide an opportunity to incorporate branding elements, such as logos or taglines, that help to establish and reinforce brand identity.

7. Better Mobile Optimization: 

Header tags are critical for mobile optimization, where smaller screens make it more challenging to navigate and scan content.

By incorporating effective header tags into their web page design, web developers can improve the user experience, readability, SEO, accessibility, user engagement, branding, and mobile optimization of their website.



Header tags are an important element of HTML that help structure web page content and improve its readability and search engine optimization (SEO). They are denoted by the “H” tag followed by a number from 1 to 6, with H1 being the most important and typically reserved for the main heading of the page or article.

The use of header tags is important for several reasons. First, it helps users quickly identify the main topic of the page and navigate the content more easily.

Second, it helps search engines understand the hierarchy and organization of the content on the page, which can improve its SEO and visibility in search results. Finally, it can make the content more scannable and readable, which can lead to better engagement and conversions.

To use header tags effectively, it’s important to follow best practices such as using only one H1 tag per page or article, using subheadings (H2, H3, etc.) to break up the content into smaller sections, and ensuring that the header tags accurately reflect the content they are marking up.

It’s also important to avoid common mistakes such as using header tags for decorative purposes or overusing them to the point of diminishing returns.

Overall, header tags are an essential tool for structuring and organizing web page content, improving its readability and SEO, and creating a better user experience.

By following best practices and avoiding common mistakes, web developers and content creators can use header tags to enhance the effectiveness and impact of their web pages and articles.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to add header tag in WordPress

  1. Open the WordPress editor and select the text where you want to add a header tag.
  2. Click on the format dropdown menu in the editor toolbar.
  3. Choose the appropriate header tag from the list (e.g., H1, H2, H3, etc.).
  4. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + 1 for H1, Ctrl + 2 for H2, etc.) to add header tags quickly.
  5. Preview your changes to ensure the header tags are displaying correctly.
  6. Publish or update your post/page to make the changes live on your website.

How to add a header tag in Wix

To add a header tag in Wix, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text that you want to format as a header.
  2. Click on the “Text Settings” option in the editor toolbar.
  3. Choose the appropriate header tag from the dropdown menu (e.g., H1, H2, H3, etc.).
  4. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + 1 for H1, Ctrl + 2 for H2, etc.) to add header tags quickly.
  5. Preview your changes to ensure the header tags are displaying correctly.
  6. Save or publish your page to make the changes live on your website.

How to add a header tag in Shopify 

To add a header tag in Shopify, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shopify editor and navigate to the page or blog post where you want to add a header tag.
  2. Select the text that you want to format as a header.
  3. Click on the “Paragraph” dropdown menu in the editor toolbar.
  4. Choose the appropriate header tag from the list (e.g., H1, H2, H3, etc.).
  5. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + 1 for H1, Ctrl + 2 for H2, etc.) to add header tags quickly.
  6. Preview your changes to ensure the header tags are displaying correctly.
  7. Save or publish your page or blog post to make the changes live on your website.

How many header tags are considered excessive of an article or blog?

There is no specific number of header tags that are considered excessive for an article or blog. However, it is generally recommended to use header tags judiciously and only when necessary to structure the content and improve its readability.

Overusing header tags can negatively impact the user experience and the SEO of the page.

A good rule of thumb is to use only one H1 tag per page or post and use subheadings (H2, H3, etc.) to break up the content into smaller sections as needed.

Ultimately, the number of header tags used in an article or blog will depend on the length and complexity of the content and the writer’s judgment on how best to organize and structure it for the reader.

What type of tag is the header?

In HTML, the header is not a specific tag, but rather a section of the web page that typically contains the top portion of the website or webpage, including the logo, navigation menu, and other important elements.

However, header content can be marked up using different header tags such as H1, H2, H3, etc., depending on the importance and hierarchy of the content.

The H1 tag is typically reserved for the main heading of the page, while the H2, H3, and other header tags are used for subheadings and other content in the header section. So, while the header itself is not a tag, the content within it can be marked up using header tags in HTML.

What are the different types of Header tags?

In HTML, there are six different types of header tags, which are denoted by the “H” tag followed by a number from 1 to 6. The six header tags are:

  1. H1: This tag is typically used for the main heading of the page or article and is the most important header tag.
  2. H2: This tag is used for subheadings that are less important than the main heading but more important than H3 tags.
  3. H3: This tag is used for subheadings that are less important than H2 tags but more important than H4 tags.
  4. H4: This tag is used for subheadings that are less important than H3 tags but more important than H5 tags.
  5. H5: This tag is used for subheadings that are less important than H4 tags but more important than H6 tags.
  6. H6: This tag is used for subheadings that are the least important and have the smallest font size.

By using these different header tags, web developers and content creators can structure the content of their web pages and improve their readability and search engine optimization (SEO).