Unlocking Success: How to Do Keyword Research for Your Website Like a Pro

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For better SEO results adding keywords to your article is important. SEO is Search Engine Optimization. By adding a few specific keywords, you can seek traffic to your website. This will increase the chances of getting to a higher rank on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Here, In this article, we will learn all about keywords and How to do Keyword Research. The best ways to add it in the article and how to search for it. 

What is Keyword Research in SEO?

‘What is Keyword Research?’ This is a common question for digital marketers, content creators, and SEO professionals.

Keyword Research or SEO Keyword Research is identifying and analyzing words or phrases. That people use while seeking information from the internet. It is a crucial yet important step. It enables the websites to understand their targeted audience. 


How to do Keyword Research?

Keyword research in SEO involves:

# Identifying the Topic or Theme:

The topic you select should be related to your business, products, or services.

# List the Potential Keywords:

Create a list of keywords that are specific to your topic or business. Search for high-volume keywords that your target audience would select.

# Analyzing Keywords Metrics:

For analyzing the search volume, competition, and other metrics, you should use Key research tools. Such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, etc.

# Refine the Keyword List:

Based on your keyword metrics, and your business model, filter out the relevant keywords. 

# Incorporate Keywords in Your Content:

You can use the relevant keywords in your content’s heading, meta description, meta tags, etc.

# Monitoring and Adjusting:

Regularly monitor your content and website’s performance. Also, keep a check on the keyword performance through relevant tools.


How to find relevant keywords?

Having relevant keywords in your article is very important. As SEO helps you to get a better ranking. Also, attract relevant traffic. Here are some ways in which you can find relevant keywords for your article.

# Brainstorming:

Brainstorming about your niches is very important. This will help you in getting potential keywords or phrases. 

# Customer feedback:

Target the keywords that your audience or customers use to describe your product or services. You can find them in the reviews, feedback, or comments. Use those keywords in your content.

# Competitor analysis:

Analyze the keywords that your competitors are using. This will give you an idea about the relevancy of the keywords.

# Keyword research tools:

Use keyword research tools for your keyword research. The tools will provide you with search volume, related keywords, difficulty level, etc. 

Some free keyword research tools are Semrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, etc.

# Social media:

You can get your best-targeted audience on social media platforms. For a better understanding of the terms used for your niche, you can filter it from those platforms. Such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

For better relevant keywords, you must have an idea of the search intent of your users. Brainstorming will help you in this. Also, you must know the relevancy and value of those keywords in your niche or business.


Keyword Research Tool

There are various software applications or online platforms for keyword research. These applications or platforms are keyword research tools. Some of the best keyword research tools are

# Google Keyword Planner:

Google KeywordPlanner is a free tool offered by Google. You will be able to see the search volume, competition, etc. The user must have a Google Ads account for accessing this.

# SEMrush:

SEMrush provides various SEO features. You will have access to data on search volume. Also, related keywords, and competition. You can track rankings and analyze backlinks through this tool.

# Ahrefs:

Ahrefs comes with keyword research, related keywords, search volume, and backlink analysis. 

# Moz Keyword Explorer:

Moz provides you with keyword explorer, competitor analysis, SERP analysis, etc. You can also access link audit and site analysis.

# Ubersuggest:

Ubersuggest is also an SEO tool that provides search volume, related keywords, and competitor analysis. It also has other SEO features like analyzing sites and analyzing backlinks. You will get to see the content ideas which your competitors have posted.

These are a few relevant Keyword Research Tools. There are many more tools available. You should consider the features the tool offers, also the accuracy and relevancy of the tool. You should analyze the pricing options of the tools and choose the best fit for your budget.


Free Keyword Research Tools

Top 5 Free Keyword Research Tools. You will get free limited searches for each day.

1. SEMrush

2. Ahrefs

3. Moz Free Keyword Research Tools

4. Ubersuggest

5. Answer The Public


How to Select the Keywords

The process of finding the best keywords is crucial. You have to analyze the volume, difficulty level, and competitor’s keywords. Here are a few steps of how can you select the best keywords:

# Search intent:

You have to analyze and understand the search query of your target audience. They might look for any information, services, or, products. Understanding this intent will help you in the selection of keywords valuable for your audience.

# Relevance:

Use relevant keywords for your content, website, and target audience. Avoid the usage of broad keywords, this may attract irrelevant traffic.

# Search volume:

While searching your keywords in the tools, you will come across ‘Search Volume’. Make sure that the keywords you are using are enough demandable. Also, Keep in mind that high-volume keywords will have high competition. Select the keywords having high as well as moderate volume. 

# Competition:

The high-volume keywords have high competition. Before the selection, go through the competition. Select keywords having moderate competition. You can also select the low competition keywords. This will help you to reach the targeted audience.

# Long-tail keywords:

The longer keywords and specific phrases are the long-tail keywords. These keywords may have low competition. This will help you in targeting more traffic. 

# Branding:

Include your brand name or any related terms in your content. This will help you in better brand visibility or recognition. 

# Analyze performance:

Analyze the regular performance of your keywords. Track the website’s traffic, conversion, and ranking of each keyword. 


Understanding Keyword Intent

Keyword Intent (Search Intent) is the reason behind the search for a keyword. Keyword Intent is important. So that the curation of content can meet the need and expectations of the user. 

Types of Keyword Intent:

# Informational Intent:

People seeking answers or information for queries is the informational intent. This intent has words like ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ in the keywords.

Example: ‘How to add keywords to the article?’.

# Navigational Intent:

The user searches for a specific website or webpage. The keywords of this intent have a website or brand names on their website. 

Example: ‘Gmail Login,’ ‘LiftUplift.’

# Commercial Intent:

The user searches before making a purchase decision. These keywords include ‘Price’, ‘Sale’, or ‘Discount’.

Example: ‘Best phone under 20k’. 

# Transactional Intent:

The user with the specific intent of usually buying any product or service. This might also include signup or downloading any software, App, etc.

Example: ‘Watch a movie’, ‘Download Whatsapp’.

Understanding keyword intent is very important. If your target audience is under information intent, you may create How-to blogs or informative blogs. And so on.


Long-Tail Keywords vs Short-Tail Keywords

Basis Long Tail Keywords Short Tail Keywords
Length Longer, more than 3 words Shorter, 1-2 words
Specificity Specific and detailed. Target niche topics General and Broad
Search Volume Low volume High volume
Competition Low. This can help you in ranking higher. Highly competitive
Conversion Rates Higher conversion rate. Attract qualified traffic. Low conversion rate
Cost Low cost per click, in PPC advertising. Higher cost per click. 

How to add keywords to your article?

Adding keywords to an article must be done effectively. This is also known as Keyword Placement. It refers to the placement of keywords strategically in an article. So that it improves your rank in SERPs. Here are some places in which you can place your keywords effectively:

# Title: 

The title is the most important for your keyword placement. The title must be catchy and relevant. For a better understanding of your topic or niche insert a keyword in that. So that search engines can easily understand your website.

# Headings:

Headings should have a simple keyword. It is a green signal to search engines about your niche. Always use heading tags. For the main title or heading use H1. For subheadings use H2, and H3 accordingly.

# First Paragraph:

The first paragraph is the introduction to your topic. Create a catchy introduction so that your users get towards reading the blog. You must use your keyword in your first paragraph. This will improve the visibility of your website.

# Body:

Use keywords organically and naturally. Avoid keyword stuffing. You can use synonyms of your primary keyword. This will make your content engaging and diverse.

# Meta Description:

Meta Description is a summary of your content. This appears on the Search Engine Page. Use your keyword there. This will attract clicks from the SERPs.

# URL:

Use the main keyword in your URL. Keep the URL crisp, and relevant.

For example: For a blog named “Unlocking the Potential of Your Business with SEO Services in Assam”

You can use the keyword in the URL. Like – https://liftuplift.in/seo-services-in-assam/

The basic goal for you should be providing high-quality content. So that it satisfies your users. Use keywords naturally and strategically. To improve the visibility of your content and website. There should be no keyword stuffing.


Adjustment based on Keyword Performance

For better search engine visibility, Adjusting Keywords is important. Here are some tips to make adjustments based on keyword performance:

# Optimize content:

Include the better-performing keywords in your content. Also provide high-quality, valuable, and relevant content to your users. As google’s advanced algorithm is now not focusing much on keyword usage. Stuffing your keywords might be dangerous for you. So focus on using keywords naturally.

# Identify gaps:

Identify the underperforming keywords, and look for the gaps in your content. Address the gap by creating new content. Create new blogs or pages which focus on underperforming keywords. 

# Improve user experience:

If the website’s bounce rate is high for a few keywords. Then improve the User Experience of your site. This includes the speed of the site, navigation, and design. The user will find it easy to seek information.

# Monitor competitor activity:

Your competitors might rank higher for a few keywords. Monitor the activity of their content or website. 

Make the necessary adjustment in your SEO strategy. This includes creating content, and high-quality backlinks, or improving your website’s technical SEO.

# Experiment with new keywords:

If your website doesn’t rank, experiment by using new keywords. Monitor their performance. Target keywords with less difficulty or less competition.

Monitor the website’s performance. Use Google Search Console or any other keyword-tracking tool. Make necessary adjustments and improve your website’s visibility.



Adding keywords to content is important for SEO. This helps you in better SERP ranking. It drives more traffic. It is also important to optimize the keywords naturally. Don’t make excessive use of keywords. It will affect your ranking in the algorithm. Provide high-quality relevant content.