How to create your brand positioning using social media marketing

Table of Contents

What is brand positioning?

Brand positioning refers to the unique place or perception that a brand occupies in the minds of its target audience relative to competitors. It is the art and science of defining and communicating what a brand stands for in a way that resonates with its target customers and sets it apart from other brands in the market.

Brand positioning takes into account various factors such as the brand’s purpose, values, personality, and benefits, as well as the needs, wants, and beliefs of its target customers. The goal is to create a clear and differentiated position that effectively communicates the brand’s unique value proposition and makes it more appealing and relevant to its target audience.

Effective brand positioning can help a brand establish a strong and consistent identity, build trust and credibility with customers, and drive preference and loyalty over time.

Why is brand positioning important

Differentiation: In a crowded and competitive marketplace, brand positioning helps a brand differentiate itself from its competitors by highlighting its unique features, benefits, and value proposition.

Relevance: By understanding the needs, wants, and beliefs of its target audience, a brand can position itself as more relevant and appealing to its customers, leading to increased brand preference and loyalty.

Consistency: Effective brand positioning helps a brand establish a clear and consistent identity across all touchpoints, making it easier for customers to recognize and remember the brand.

Communication: By articulating a clear and differentiated brand positioning, a brand can effectively communicate its value proposition to its target audience, leading to improved brand awareness, perception, and engagement.

Financial Performance: Strong brand positioning can lead to increased sales, market share, and profitability, as well as higher brand equity and shareholder value over time.

What is brand positioning on social media

Brand positioning on social media refers to the strategic process of defining and communicating a brand’s unique identity, value proposition, and messaging to its target audience through social media channels.

In the context of social media, brand positioning is critical as it allows a brand to differentiate itself from competitors, establish a strong and consistent identity, and connect with its target audience in a more personalized and engaging way. Some key elements of brand positioning on social media include:

Identifying the target audience: A brand must understand who its target audience is on social media, including their interests, preferences, and behaviors, in order to effectively position its brand.

Defining the brand’s voice and tone: A brand’s voice and tone should be consistent across all social media channels and should align with its overall brand positioning strategy.

Establishing a unique brand identity: A brand should use social media to showcase its unique identity, such as its purpose, values, and personality, in order to differentiate itself from competitors.

Creating a value proposition: A brand should clearly articulate its value proposition on social media, highlighting the benefits and solutions it offers to its target audience.

Engaging with the audience: A brand should actively engage with its audience on social media, responding to comments and messages in a timely and personalized manner, and using social listening tools to monitor conversations and feedback.

What are the core elements of positioning

Target audience: Positioning starts with identifying and understanding the target audience or the ideal customer. This includes their demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and needs.

Competitors: A brand must have a clear understanding of its competitors and their positioning strategies in the market. This helps a brand identify gaps in the market and differentiate itself from the competition.

Unique value proposition: A brand must articulate its unique value proposition, which is the key benefit or solution that it offers to its target audience. This should be based on the brand’s strengths, capabilities, and competitive advantage.

Brand personality: A brand’s personality is the set of human characteristics that are associated with the brand, such as its tone of voice, style, and visual identity. This helps to create an emotional connection with the target audience.

Brand promise: A brand promise is a commitment made by a brand to its customers, based on its unique value proposition. It sets expectations and helps to build trust and credibility with the target audience.

Brand positioning statement: A brand positioning statement is a clear and concise statement that communicates the brand’s unique value proposition and differentiation to its target audience. It should be memorable, meaningful, and relevant to the target audience.

How to build social media brand positioning

Define your brand identity: Before building your social media brand positioning, it is important to establish a clear and consistent brand identity that aligns with your overall business strategy. This includes defining your brand’s purpose, values, personality, and visual identity.

Identify your target audience: Social media brand positioning requires a deep understanding of your target audience, including their demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and needs. Use social listening tools and analytics to gain insights into your audience and their preferences.

Conduct a competitive analysis: Analyze your competitors’ social media strategies and positioning to identify gaps in the market and opportunities to differentiate your brand. This can help you identify areas of strength and weakness in your brand’s social media presence.

Develop your unique value proposition: Based on your brand identity and competitive analysis, develop a unique value proposition that clearly communicates the benefits and solutions that your brand offers to your target audience.

Establish your brand voice and tone: Your brand voice and tone should be consistent across all social media channels and should align with your brand’s personality and value proposition. This helps to create a consistent and recognizable brand identity.

Create engaging content: Use your unique value proposition, brand voice, and tone to create engaging and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. This can include images, videos, blog posts, and social media posts.

Engage with your audience: Social media is a two-way conversation, so it’s important to actively engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages, and creating opportunities for user-generated content and feedback.

Monitor and measure your performance: Use social media analytics tools to monitor your brand’s social media performance and track key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions. Use this data to refine and optimize your social media brand positioning strategy over time.

How to create a brand positioning strategy

Conduct market research: Conduct market research to understand your target audience, competitors, and industry trends. This research can include surveys, focus groups, and secondary research.

Define your unique value proposition: Based on your research, define your unique value proposition, which is the key benefit or solution that your brand offers to your target audience. This should be based on your brand’s strengths, capabilities, and competitive advantage.

Identify your brand personality: Define your brand’s personality, including its tone of voice, style, and visual identity. This helps to create an emotional connection with your target audience.

Develop your brand promise: Develop a brand promise, which is a commitment made by your brand to your customers, based on your unique value proposition. It sets expectations and helps to build trust and credibility with your target audience.

Create a positioning statement: Create a clear and concise positioning statement that communicates your brand’s unique value proposition and differentiation to your target audience. This should be memorable, meaningful, and relevant to your target audience.

Develop messaging and communication strategy: Develop messaging and a communication strategy that reinforces your brand’s positioning and value proposition across all marketing channels, including advertising, social media, PR, and content marketing.

Implement and monitor: Implement your brand positioning strategy across all marketing channels and monitor its effectiveness through key performance indicators (KPIs), such as customer engagement, conversion rates, and revenue growth. Continuously refine and optimize your strategy based on data-driven insights.

What are the types of brand positioning strategy

Value-based positioning: This strategy focuses on offering the best value for money compared to competitors. The brand positions itself as a high-quality, yet affordable option for consumers.

Quality-based positioning: This strategy positions the brand as offering superior quality compared to competitors. The brand may charge a premium price, but it delivers a superior product or service experience.

Benefit-based positioning: This strategy focuses on the benefits that the brand offers to its target audience. For example, a health supplement brand may position itself as providing better immunity or more energy to consumers.

User-based positioning: This strategy focuses on the users of the brand, positioning the brand as meeting the specific needs and preferences of a particular group or demographic. For example, a car brand may position itself as catering to families with children or outdoor enthusiasts.

Competitor-based positioning: This strategy positions the brand against its direct competitors, emphasizing the brand’s unique strengths and advantages over the competition.

Emotion-based positioning: This strategy focuses on creating an emotional connection with the target audience. The brand positions itself as a symbol of a particular emotion, such as happiness, love, or adventure.

Attribute-based positioning: This strategy focuses on a specific attribute or feature of the product or service. For example, a toothpaste brand may position itself as being the best for sensitive teeth.

Examples of brand positioning

Amul: Amul, the Indian dairy brand, has positioned itself as the “taste of India” by leveraging the country’s rich cultural heritage and diverse culinary traditions. Its famous tagline, “The taste of India,” reinforces its positioning as a brand that celebrates the country’s culinary diversity and offers high-quality dairy products.

Maggi: Maggi, the instant noodle brand, has positioned itself as a quick and easy meal solution for busy people. Its famous tagline, “2-minute noodles,” emphasizes its convenience and time-saving benefits. Maggi has also expanded its product line to include other quick and easy meal solutions, such as soups, sauces, and seasonings.

Tata Nano: Tata Nano, the small car brand, positioned itself as a low-cost alternative to traditional cars. Its famous tagline, “The people’s car,” emphasized its affordability and accessibility to the masses. Despite facing some challenges in the market, Tata Nano remains a popular choice among budget-conscious car buyers.

Tanishq: Tanishq, the Indian jewellery brand, positioned itself as a brand that celebrates the modern Indian woman. Its advertising campaigns feature confident, independent women who are proud of their Indian heritage and embrace modern lifestyles. Tanishq’s tagline, “The most beautiful expression of you,” reinforces its positioning as a brand that empowers women to express themselves through its jewellery.

Parle-G: Parle-G, the popular biscuit brand, positioned itself as a staple snack for the Indian masses. Its tagline, “G for Genius,” emphasized its affordability and availability in every corner of the country. Parle-G has become a household name in India and is often associated with childhood memories and nostalgia.

How social media helps in brand positioning

Increased brand awareness: Social media platforms provide a vast audience for companies to showcase their products or services to. By creating compelling content and sharing it across various platforms, brands can increase their visibility and reach a wider audience.

Engagement with customers: Social media allows brands to communicate directly with their customers and build relationships with them. By responding to comments and messages, brands can show that they care about their customers and are willing to listen to their feedback.

Brand differentiation: Social media provides brands with an opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competitors. By developing a unique brand voice and visual identity, brands can stand out in a crowded market.

Influencer marketing: Social media influencers have become an essential part of brand positioning. By partnering with influencers, brands can reach a wider audience and gain credibility by association.

Real-time feedback: Social media provides brands with real-time feedback from their customers. By monitoring social media channels, brands can quickly identify issues and respond to them before they escalate.

How to create brand identity through social media

Define your brand: Before you can create a brand identity on social media, you need to have a clear understanding of your brand’s values, personality, and tone of voice. Develop a brand style guide that outlines these elements and use it as a reference when creating content for social media.

Choose the right platforms: Not all social media platforms are suitable for every brand. Identify which platforms your target audience uses most frequently and focus on building a presence on those platforms.

Develop a consistent visual identity: Use consistent colors, fonts, and imagery across all social media platforms to create a cohesive visual identity. This will help your audience recognize your brand and differentiate it from competitors.

Create engaging content: Social media is all about creating content that resonates with your audience. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your brand values and focuses on delivering value to your audience.

Engage with your audience: Social media is a two-way conversation. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly and in a friendly tone. This will help build relationships with your audience and strengthen your brand identity.

Leverage user-generated content: Encourage your audience to create content about your brand and share it on social media. This will help amplify your message and create a sense of community around your brand.

Monitor your brand’s reputation: Keep an eye on what people are saying about your brand on social media. Respond to negative comments or feedback quickly and address any issues in a transparent manner.

What is brand differentiation

Brand differentiation refers to the process of creating a unique brand identity that sets a company’s products or services apart from its competitors. It involves identifying and highlighting the unique features or attributes that make a brand different or better than others in the market.

In today’s crowded marketplace, brand differentiation is essential for businesses to stand out and succeed. It allows companies to communicate their unique value proposition to customers and build a loyal customer base.

There are several ways that companies can differentiate their brand, including:

Product features: Companies can differentiate their brand by offering unique features or benefits that are not available from their competitors.

Brand personality: A brand’s personality can also differentiate it from competitors. By developing a distinctive voice and tone, companies can create an emotional connection with their audience.

Customer service: Offering exceptional customer service can be a significant differentiator for brands. By providing personalized and efficient service, companies can build trust and loyalty with their customers.

Price: Offering a lower or higher price point than competitors can differentiate a brand. However, companies should be careful to ensure that their pricing strategy aligns with their overall brand positioning.

Marketing and advertising: Creative and memorable marketing and advertising campaigns can help a brand stand out in a crowded market.

Ultimately, brand differentiation is about finding ways to offer something unique and valuable to customers that cannot be easily replicated by competitors. By doing so, companies can establish themselves as leaders in their respective industries and build a strong, loyal customer base.

How to differentiate your brand from others

To differentiate your brand from others in a crowded marketplace, you need to focus on developing a unique value proposition that sets your brand apart from competitors. Here are some steps to follow:

Understand your customers: To differentiate your brand, you need to understand your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Conduct market research to gather insights about your target audience and develop products or services that meet their specific needs.

Develop a unique brand voice: Create a distinct voice and tone for your brand that resonates with your target audience. This will help you communicate your brand’s personality and values consistently across all marketing channels.

Emphasize your unique features or benefits: Identify the unique features or benefits of your products or services and emphasize them in your marketing messages. This will help differentiate your brand from competitors and highlight your value proposition.

Focus on customer experience: Offer a superior customer experience by providing exceptional customer service, personalized communication, and fast response times. This will help build customer loyalty and differentiate your brand from competitors.

Be creative: Develop creative marketing campaigns and messaging that stand out from the competition. Use unique visuals, messaging, or content formats to capture your audience’s attention and generate buzz around your brand.

Leverage social media: Use social media platforms to connect with your audience and showcase your brand’s unique personality and values. Engage with your followers and use user-generated content to build brand authenticity.

Some brand differentiation techniques

Focus on niche markets: One way to differentiate your brand is to focus on serving a specific niche market. By offering products or services tailored to a particular audience, you can establish yourself as an expert in that area and build a loyal customer base.

Emphasize quality: Quality is a key factor in differentiating your brand. By offering high-quality products or services, you can position your brand as a premium option and attract customers who are willing to pay a premium price for quality.

Offer unique features or benefits: Identify the unique features or benefits of your products or services and emphasize them in your marketing messages. This can help differentiate your brand from competitors and highlight your value proposition.

Focus on customer service: Offering exceptional customer service is a powerful way to differentiate your brand. By providing personalized and efficient service, you can build trust and loyalty with your customers.

Create a unique brand personality: Develop a unique brand personality that resonates with your target audience. This can help you stand out from competitors and create an emotional connection with your customers.

Innovate: Continuously innovate your products or services to stay ahead of the competition. This can help differentiate your brand and position you as a leader in your industry.

Leverage social media: Use social media platforms to connect with your audience and showcase your brand’s unique personality and values. Engage with your followers and use user-generated content to build brand authenticity.

Tips to improve brand positioning

Here are some tips to improve your brand positioning:

Develop a unique value proposition: Identify what sets your brand apart from competitors and develop a unique value proposition that communicates this to your target audience.

Define your target audience: Understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points. This will help you create products or services that meet their specific needs and develop marketing messages that resonate with them.

Create a consistent brand identity: Develop a consistent brand identity across all marketing channels, including your website, social media profiles, and advertising campaigns. This will help you build brand recognition and establish a strong brand image.

Emphasize quality: Focus on providing high-quality products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations. This can help you position your brand as a premium option and attract customers who are willing to pay a premium price for quality.

Build a loyal customer base: Offer exceptional customer service and create a positive customer experience to build a loyal customer base. Encourage customer feedback and use it to improve your products or services.

Monitor your competitors: Keep an eye on your competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Use this information to differentiate your brand and develop marketing messages that highlight your unique value proposition.

Leverage social media: Use social media platforms to connect with your audience and build brand awareness. Create engaging content that resonates with your target audience and use social media analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

How to increase brand awareness using social media

Here are some tips to increase brand awareness using social media:

Develop a social media strategy: Define your goals, target audience, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your social media efforts. This will help you create a focused strategy that aligns with your business objectives.

Choose the right social media platforms: Identify which social media platforms your target audience uses the most and focus your efforts on those platforms. This will help you reach your audience more effectively and maximize your impact.

Create engaging content: Develop high-quality and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Use a mix of content formats such as images, videos, infographics, and blog posts to keep your audience engaged and interested.

Use hashtags: Use relevant hashtags in your social media posts to increase your reach and make your content more discoverable. Conduct research to identify popular hashtags in your industry and use them in your posts.

Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions from your followers to build relationships and increase engagement. This will help you create a positive brand image and increase brand awareness.

Collaborate with influencers: Partner with influencers who have a large following and a strong influence in your industry. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.

Leverage paid social media advertising: Use paid social media advertising to target specific audiences and increase brand awareness. Choose the right ad format, target audience, and ad placement to maximize your impact.

By following these tips, you can increase brand awareness using social media and reach a wider audience. Remember to measure your performance using social media analytics and adjust your strategy accordingly to achieve better results.


What is positioning

Positioning is the process of creating a distinctive image and reputation for a brand in the minds of consumers relative to competitors. It involves identifying a unique value proposition and communicating it effectively through marketing messages, product design, and other brand elements.

Why positioning your brand is important

Positioning your brand is important because it helps differentiate your brand from competitors and create a unique identity that resonates with your target audience. It can also help you attract and retain customers, increase brand recognition and loyalty, and drive sales and revenue. By positioning your brand effectively, you can establish a strong brand image and reputation that sets your business apart from competitors and drives long-term success.

How to do effective brand positioning

To do effective brand positioning, you need to start by identifying your target audience, their needs, and preferences. Then, develop a unique value proposition that addresses these needs and sets your brand apart from competitors. Communicate this value proposition consistently through all brand elements, including messaging, visual identity, product design, and customer experience. Conduct market research to understand how your brand is perceived by consumers and adjust your positioning accordingly. Finally, monitor your competitors and adapt your positioning to stay relevant in the market. By following these steps, you can develop a strong brand identity and reputation that resonates with your target audience and drives long-term success.

Why you should use social media for brand awareness

Using social media for brand awareness is important because it is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience and build brand recognition. Social media platforms allow businesses to create engaging content, connect with customers, and promote their products and services to a targeted audience. It also provides businesses with real-time feedback from customers, which can be used to improve their products and services. By leveraging social media, businesses can increase their online visibility, drive website traffic, and generate leads, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue.

What is social media marketing

Social media marketing is the process of using social media platforms to promote a product or service. It involves creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, and running social media ads to reach a targeted audience. The goal of social media marketing is to build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. Social media marketing is an effective and cost-efficient way for businesses to reach a large audience and connect with customers in a meaningful way.

Brand positioning tools

SWOT analysis: Helps identify a brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market.

Competitive analysis: Helps evaluate a brand’s competitors and identify areas where the brand can differentiate itself.

Customer personas: Helps define a brand’s target audience and understand their needs and preferences.

Unique selling proposition (USP): Helps identify the key benefit that sets a brand apart from its competitors.

Brand messaging: Helps define the key messages and value proposition that communicate the brand’s unique positioning.

Brand personality: Helps define the personality traits and characteristics that represent the brand.

Market research: Helps gather insights about the market, competitors, and target audience to inform brand positioning decisions.